It's been awhile since I've sat down and had the opportunity to write. For some reason, my schedule seems to stay on go and yet I continue to add more to it. Sometimes I think I just need to learn to say, no! Ha. It's alright though, I enjoy my life and everyone in it so there definitely aren't any complaints.
Kasey wrote the most sweetest blog to me for our 10 month anniversary. Here we are now a month later, celebrating our 11 month anniversay. Where has this time gone? It seems just like yesterday when I pulled in his mom's driveway for the first time and saw his handsome face in person for the first time since we were kids. Our relationship has grown stronger each and ever minute since. I am so incredibly thankful to have him in mine and Laekyn's life. This is only the beginning :)
So I know you'd probably rather hear everything we've been up to instead of all that mushy stuff about our relationship so I'll get right on it. In October, we joined a small group at Church and have really enjoyed it when we've been able to attend. This time of year is horrible for us, we're always battling some kinda sickness. I've had a number of photo sessions (a charity golf tournament, wedding, two birthday parties, Halloween community event and a portrait session). It's been a busy time behind the lens and on my editing screen. Laekyn's cheerleading season came to an end, a couple games and her first ever cheer exhibition.
I cannot describe enough how proud I was of her and the way she went out there and did amazing. She flew in a stunt and was all smiles! The clip of her stunting is
here, just click on the link and it'll take you to my You Tube channel. In the pyramid, she's the flyer in the right group. Proud mommy moment! In October, I also began my listening of Christmas music. Some people think I'm crazy for how early I start but I just love it. Kasey surprised me with a new Christmas CD, too. We also visited pumpkin patches and I got to experience parent/teacher conferences for the first time. In Kindergarten they didn't do them at her school but I was super proud of the things her teacher had to say about my little mini. Towards the end of October we attended fall festivals and went Trunk or Treating! Laekyn dressed up as a 3D Nemo this year, Kasey was a crayon box and I was a pink crayon. Kasey and I also went to a Halloween party at the home of our small group leaders. We had a ball! In the picture, the little dalmation is my neice Riley. Precious!

As you can tell, we've been our typical on-the-go-selves. My goal is to get back to writing blogs more often, we'll see how that goes. Thanks for always being faithful in reading our posts, happy Friday!