"You by my side makes life's normal obstacles, hurdles and mountains seem like speed bumps and ant hills." -K

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

High Ground

The Church I attend is currently in our third week of '40 Days Devoted to Spiritual Growth' and I must say, taking 15-20 minutes out of your day to focus on the Lord is such a refreshing feeling. I used to go on day to day, the same hustle and bustle and always think I didn't have time to read my Bible or I didn't have the time to sit down and read a devotional but the fact is, I do as long as I make time. It's made such a difference in how I feel emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually. The devotion book was created by members of Pinedale and the children were also given a version for themselves titled 'XL' with memory verse flash cards.

Kasey and I do our High Ground devotional each day together over the phone and then we individually do the reflection questions, as those are a chance for us to reflect individually to each daily topic (this week's topic is family). I can't sit on here and brag about how much it's impacting my life without trying to get you involved as well. Whether you attend Church or not, these devotions are available for you. You can get them by visiting the Pinedale Christian Church website and clicking on '40 day devotions' on the left hand side. It's not too late to get started so what are you waiting for? <3h

"At the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in Heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."
-Philippians 2:10-11


  1. I can't thank you enough for sharing this, Hollie :) I have started reading through the link that you sent me and I'm already engaged in it! You're the BEST!

  2. This most definitely made me smile! I'm so glad you're engaged in it. Always remember (from last night's devotion), the time you're investing in certain activities (such as taking 10-20 mins to read the devotion) has cumulative value, it won't go wasted. :)
