So we know that we've mentioned on more than one occasion that we've been really busy so what better way to share some our busyness than with a blog post! This past weekend seems like a great place to start, Saturday particularly. Let's see.. the morning started off with us going to our Church for an Easter egg hunt. The morning started off rainy but the egg hunt was still a-go! Once we got to the Church, we couldn't believe what we saw..
The ENTIRE Church was covered with candy-filled eggs. By the time the egg hunt was, the rain and stopped and eggs even lined the brick and windowsills outside. Laekyn hadn't seen so many eggs at one egg hunt in her life! We were sectioned off by child's age/grade and dispersed throughout the Church as our 'starting point' and that's all she wrote.
After the egg hunt at Church, we decided to go eat some lunch. A Saturday lunch isn't the same without dessert afterwards so we tried the new (and delicious might I add) Sweet Frog in Clemmons. If you're a fan of Frogurt then I highly recommend it. There are so many more choices of frozen yogurt and sorbet than what Frogurt offers. This is coming from someone who didn't ever expect to find a place better than Frogurt! Once our bellies were full, we went to the mall. Our original reasoning for going there was to stock back up on Bath & Body Works products. However, little did we know.. that was going to be just a tad reason of why we were there. It turned into a Build A Bear Workshop kinda day and well of course, the princess had to make her a new bunny for Easter..
She picked out the flower-print bunny as you can see. Instead of wanting an outfit for it, she picked out this backpack that she can carry her BAB's in. Honestly, I was very proud because it seemed like a great purchase and she looked incredible cute walking around with her BAB on her back. Once we got out of BABW, we of course had to make a stop by the carousel. No trip to the mall with miss priss is complete without a ride on it! She choose to ride in the spinning teacup with a few other kids who were already on it.
Overall, it was a busy but amazing day. We spent lots of good quality time together and that's what made it so special. We sure do love when we have an entire day to do so. Hope your weekend was just as fun!
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