"You by my side makes life's normal obstacles, hurdles and mountains seem like speed bumps and ant hills." -K

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


As I type this, I'm watching a segment on Dr. Oz about "Pro-ana" which I hadn't heard of until today's show. Actually, today's show is a re-run so his site has the information from the segment on the website which you can find here. I literally have tears in my eyes watching these women and how they are living their life. If you haven't heard of it either, Pro-ana refers to the promotion of the eating disorder anorexia nervosa. As you know from my prior posts I was on a weight loss journey using Weight Watchers the later part of 2011 and My Fitness Pal this year however, my outlook on weight is entirely different from these women and partially it's not even their fault.

To me, a healthy woman has curves, weight on her and she looks healthy. To these women, they are nothing but skin and bones but still see themselves as being fat. It absolutely breaks my heart!

I am writing this post because I know I have prayer warriors out there and these women need prayer!! There are many sites out there for Pro-ana and where these women go for "thinspiration". I've posted a few links to some of them below that I found by searching Pro ana on Google. It will make you sick on your stomach to think how these women live and see themselves, at least it does me. Please join me in praying for these women and that their eyes will be opened before their life comes to an end.


I am ALL FOR someone who wants to be healthy and lose weight but there is a right way and a wrong way. Our lives are so precious and often times we overlook that reality because of the media (magazines, television, websites, etc.) and the way we get wrapped up on appearances and how skeletal thin is promoted as what is sexy and most attractive but the truth is we ALL are attractive no matter what size we are. Each of us has something that no one else has, we are individuals and that shoudln't be robbed of us because of a nasty eating disorder. I am a woman and I will be the first to say I have not always been happy with my appearance (a lot of that was affected by media and the comparison of myself to celebrities) but unlike these woman on the pro-ana sites, I overcame that feeling by making a healthy lifestyle change. Enough rambling from me, these women need prayer! -Hollie

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