"You by my side makes life's normal obstacles, hurdles and mountains seem like speed bumps and ant hills." -K

Saturday, May 12, 2012


It sure has been awhile. My wisdom teeth are finally all in and free of pain, thank the Lord!! However, that wasn't the end of the issues. Last weekend I had a horrible sore throat but only on one side. It was almost impossible to swallow and I'm one of those who prefers to not go to a doctor unless I just absolute have to. Well, I was sitting in the doctor's office that same morning waiting to be seen. Little did I know, my strep test was going to be positive. Despite only one side hurting, both sides were swollen and as the doctor said "that's the ugliest I've ever seen" - it was bad! Laekyn had broken out in a rash so they tested her for strep and said that sometimes kids will get a rash before strep. Her test was negative and the doctor wasn't concerned by the rash. It seemed to be more of a heat rash and after some Benedryl, it went away. Hoping it doesn't come back! After days and days of taking the horse pill of Amoxicillin, my throat seems to be much better, thankfully. Hope each of you and your families are staying healthy, seems like a lot is going around. -Hollie

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