"You by my side makes life's normal obstacles, hurdles and mountains seem like speed bumps and ant hills." -K

Monday, February 27, 2012

Let the next chapter begin

My turn to blog while my gorgeous baby gets some much needed rest following a stressful Monday. When you read this Hollie, I hope your headache is gone, that you feel better, and I want you to know that I love you very much. Now it is time to turn to the focus of my blog, Hollie and I had a big weekend and a big Monday that she didn't touch on in her previous recap blog post. So allow me to do the honors. As some may know, I currently reside in Kansas City, MO and my baby and my family live back home in North Carolina. Being in a long distance relationship is tough and the distance can put a strain on even the strongest relationship. What makes Hollie's and my relationship truly amazing, is the fact that although we are roughly 20 hours apart, we continue to fall in love and become closer each and everyday. That being said, it has been a huge goal of mine recently to eliminate this distance between us. Not entirely to be with her everyday, but also to reconnect with my mom, dad, sister, and family that remains in North Carolina, who I have grown somewhat distant from ever since I moved away a number of years ago for college. I remember being dropped off for college and seeing my family leave me in that dark and cold dorm room, and I must admit it was the scariest moment in my life. The closest person I knew on that day was at least 4 hours away. I didn't know anyone on my floor, or even the person I was sharing a room with was a complete stranger. I would call my Mom and my family everyday for support and to restore some familiar voices and to take my mind off of being truly alone. I would have nightmares and stressful thoughts about breaking down, or becoming injured, and not being able to call my family or even find the hospital or repair shop in this new town. Slowly but surely, things changed when I started to make friends, I slowly began to fit into college and meet new friends, and have that support structure and dependability that I needed. In return I began to become more distant from my family, not because I loved them any less or thought about them any less, but because at that time, in order for me to suppress the home sickness I needed to pretend that everything back home in NC was just how I left it, and one day I could return to the same family and home that I love. But what I realized lately and what I missed throughout my years in college, is that my family was also adapting and moving on to life without me. They were becoming closer with one another, and although they didn't cast me out as a black sheep or anything. They were all forming a close bond and continuing to grow without me. This is not a bad thing, this is just life. This is also something that my sister, or anyone who has never had to live a great distance away from home won't realize or have to go through. I have always seen my future as moving back home to North Carolina, and being close to my family, but in my head and in my dreams, I saw my family as being the same way it was when I left for college. As we all know life goes on. So what does this long boring back story have to do with Hollie and I? Well as you may have read from my first blog, Hollie is my future, she is the reason I smile, and she is the first girl I see a real future with. I see marriage, kids, and us continuing to grow our relationship and start a beautiful family. I always knew family was the most important thing, meeting Hollie just gave me the kick in the pants that I needed to fix my own family and become closer to my own family. I want Hollie and Laekyn, and her family to grow and expand by uniting with my family. I want our families to come together and have cookouts and get together, and be there on that wedding day whenever that may be, and be there to hold our new child when that day happens. That is what life is all about, not money, not having the best job, or possessions.
So to announce the news, I have officially submitted my 2 weeks notice into my current job here in Kansas City, MO so that I can move back home to restore my relationship with my family, and continue to grow my relationship with my Hollie(the most beautiful girl in the world). My original plan was to apply for jobs in North Carolina, conduct some phone interviews, and have a official job offer lined up before I moved back. That way I wouldn't have to spend possible months on end of being unemployed.  Easier said then done, I had a few offers for interviews, but once I told them about my plans and that I can't come mid week for interviews, it really set me back in the job hunt as far as being competitive with the other applicants who were currently local, and could come in immediately for an interview. In reality I was able to accept a part-time job with Best Buy. Although it isn't the full time employment that I want and will need in the future, it is a start and is definitely enough to get me back home to where I want to be. Another interesting twist to the story is that when I told my current employer of my intentions to move back home, they strongly supported me and are even going to consider allowing me to work from home and keep a position with my current team. So in the end, I have my bases covered, and I am damn excited to move back home and start this new chapter in my life. Hollie and I have been dating for a little over 2 months, but we haven't had that normal dating experience like everyone else gets due to the distance in our relationship, I can't tell you how excited I am to see her beautiful face everyday, to kiss her and not wonder when my next chance to hold her again will be. We did discuss about the possibility of me moving back home and instantly moving in with her, and after a great discussion between us, we decided that although we both really want to live with each other now this instant, it shouldn't be rushed into. Getting me back to North Carolina is the most important thing right now. It is best for Laekyn(I love her to death), for me to ease into her daily life, and to not go from one extreme of her not seeing me but once or twice a month, to the other extreme of her living with me. Although Hollie and I are waiting a bit before we move in together, we will still see each other everyday and get to experience that chance at normal dating that we both crave. We can't get enough of each other, and I can't help but smile at the chance to see her beautiful face everyday,, and not have to worry about leaving on Sunday to fly back to Missouri. I can't wait to build and continue to grow my relationship with Laekyn as well. I love her very much, and she already has me wrapped around her little finger, you should see the smile that comes to my face when her adorable little voice tells me that she loves me and when she grabs my hand or wants to sit with me on the couch. She is amazing, and I definitely want as much time with her as I can get. I can't wait to be there to tuck her in, to be there to take her to the zoo on the weekends, or to the park, and to always be there when she needs me. So in the end, LETS GET THIS PARTY STARTED!!!-K


  1. Kasey, I really enjoyed this post. I felt the same way when I left home to go to ECU. Greenville is only 4 hours away, but I missed my family like crazy!
    I'm so happy to hear that you're moving back to NC. I bet Hollie is all smiles! Thank you for taking such good care of my friend!!!

  2. You know me all too well my love! I certainly am :) -h
